About Us

Barrister Mehedi & Jurists is an emerging Bangladeshi law firm with specialisation in corporate and commercial law, employment law, intellectual

Our Services

Take a tour of our excellent services

Foreign Investment in Bangladesh

Welcome to our law firm, your trusted partner

Supply Chain Management Related Legal Issues

Barrister Mehedi & Jurists understands the complex issues

Banking & Documentation

Banking Litigation & Documentation: The banking and wider

Formation of Trusts

Why Trusts Matter: Trusts serve as powerful tools

Patent, Trademark & Copyright

Our consultants have years of experience with search,

Human Rights and Refugee Crisis

Human Rights and Protection of Refugees: We are

Employment and Labour Law Issues

Labour Law Compliance: Once you have decided who

Corporate Legal Matters

We have specialists in every zone of business

Immigration Law

Learned Consultants is a dynamic firm working regularly

Business and Corporate Contract

Representing businesses and individuals with corporate interests, we

Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance helps to prevent corporate scandals,

Income Tax Matters

Welcome to our law firm, where we specialise


Mediation is a consensual, confidential and relatively informal

Internal Audit

Is your business losing money? Do you think

Land &Property Documents Vetting

Whether you are considering a lease of a